Long-Tail Keyword


A ‘Long-Tail Keyword’ is a highly specific search phrase that generally contains three or more words. It’s more targeted than short, broad keywords and tends to bring in less traffic, but the traffic it does bring is typically more qualified. These keywords are called ‘long-tail’ because, if you plot the frequency of keywords on a graph, these specific keywords appear in the ‘long tail’ of the distribution.

Long-Tail Keyword Relevance For SEO

Long-tail keywords play a crucial role in SEO for several reasons. Due to their specific nature, these keywords tend to have less competition, making it easier for your content to rank high in search engine results. Moreover, users who search with long-tail keywords often have a more specific intent; they know what they’re looking for and are therefore closer to the point of purchase. This can result in higher conversion rates. Adding long-tail keywords to your SEO strategy can also contribute to the overall organic traffic diversity, protecting your website from fluctuations in search engine algorithms.

Long-Tail Keyword Best Practices for SEO

Here are a few best practices when using long-tail keywords for SEO:

  1. Research thoroughly: Use keyword planning tools like Google’s Keyword Planner to research potential long-tail keywords for your niche. Look for phrases that have a decent amount of search volume but less competition.
  2. Use keywords naturally: Incorporate your chosen long-tail keywords naturally into your content. Spammy or unnatural usage may lead to penalties from search engines.
  3. Create valuable content: Ensure the content you create around these keywords provides real value to your readers. High-quality, relevant content can boost your SEO results.
  4. Optimize your pages: Include your long-tail keywords within important SEO areas of your page, such as the title, headers, meta description, and body text.