Meta Keywords


Meta Keywords are a subset of meta tags that exist in HTML code and allow designers to include additional text that does not appear on the website’s page when viewed in a browser. They were created as a method of including keywords in a webpage that would be spidered by search engines but not seen by users, making them a type of hidden text.

Meta Keywords Relevance for SEO

When SEO first emerged as a way to influence search engine rankings, Meta Keywords were important to appear higher in search engines results. However, due to their extensive misuse, many search engines, like Google, have announced that they give no ranking credit to meta keywords. Nonetheless, they still hold relevance in the context of some other much smaller search engines.

Meta Keywords Best Practices for SEO

Although Meta Keywords are not given importance by some major search engines, if you decide to use them, there are a few best practices to adhere to.

Firstly, it’s crucial to ensure that all meta keywords are relevant to the page’s content. Search engines may penalize websites with meta keywords that do not match the page’s content.

Secondly, it’s recommended not to use too many meta keywords. As a benchmark, it might be wise to limit the list to 5-10 and never more than 20.

Finally, avoid repeating keywords or keyword stuffing as it can lead to a penalty from search engines. The goal should be to provide an accurate and succinct summary of your page’s content.