URL Parameter


A URL Parameter, also known as a query string, is a part of a URL that comes after a question mark (?) and helps in specifying a page, specific content on a web page, or even help tracking. In terms of structure, a URL Parameter follows this pattern: www.example.com/page?parameter=value. Here, “parameter” is the field or information being adjusted, and “value” is the specific type of that parameter.

URL Parameter Relevance For SEO

URL parameters hold significance in SEO as they assist in tracking different types of information about the website’s visitors and their behaviors. For instance, URL parameters can be used to track referral sources, session IDs, and types of content displayed. However, they could potentially lead to issues with duplicate content if not managed properly, as search engines may treat the same page with different URL parameters as unique pages. This could cause the ‘SEO value’ of the content to get split among these duplicate pages and dilute the impact of your SEO efforts

URL Parameter Best Practices for SEO

  • Limit the Use: Avoid using too many parameters in a single URL to prevent it from becoming overly complex, and hence, inaccessible to search engines.
  • Canonical Tags: Use canonical tags to indicate to search engines your preferred version of a URL when similar or duplicate versions exist. This will consolidate your SEO value on a single page.
  • Configure URL Parameters in Google Search Console: You can tell Google how to handle your URL parameters directly in Google Search Console, guiding it on indexing your website effectively.