Progressive Web App (PWA)



A “Query” in the realm of SEO is a statement or question inputted by a user into the search bar of a search engine, like Google or Bing. These inputted words, phrases, or sentences are what set the algorithm of the search engine in motion to deliver relevant results. A query could be anything – from a one-word term such as “Pizza” to a complex question like “What are the best pizza recipes?”

Query Relevance For SEO

The user’s query is a window into their needs or intent. SEO professionals need to understand the common queries relevant to their business or website’s niche to better optimize their website content. This enables search engines to match the website to relevant users’ queries.

The more a website is aligned with the needs and search habits of its target audience, the more visibility and higher ranking it will achieve in search results. Therefore, understanding how and what users query is a key strategic consideration for SEO.

Rank Transition