Progressive Web App (PWA)


A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a type of webpage or website that combines the features of both traditional web pages and modern mobile applications. PWAs are designed to work on any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser, offering functionality such as working offline, push notifications, and device hardware access traditionally available only to native mobile apps.

Progressive Web App (PWA) Relevance For SEO

PWAs are interesting for SEO because they can enhance the user experience, which is a significant ranking factor in search engine algorithms. Since PWAs are meant to be responsive and fast, they can provide a better user experience, reducing bounce rates, and increasing the time users spend on a page. Additionally, PWAs are served over HTTPS ensuring data integrity and security which are key considerations for search engine ranking.

Progressive Web App (PWA) Best Practices for SEO

  1. Responsive design: Ensure your PWA fits any device screen size to offer a superior user experience.
  2. Serve over HTTPS: Make sure all server connections are secure for improved trust from both users and search engines.
  3. Web App Manifest: Use the Web App Manifest – a JSON file – to control how your app appears to the user.
  4. Effective Caching: Use caching strategies with service workers to ensure your PWA works offline or on low-quality networks.
  5. Indexable content: Ensure all content within your PWA is accessible and indexable by search engines, just like in a traditional website.