Share of Voice


Share of Voice (SoV) refers to the proportion of online visibility a brand possesses within its specific market, measured against its competitors. It is often represented in percentage form and encompasses areas such as organic search result rankings, paid advertisements, social media discussion, and other mediums. In simple terms, if 100 conversations occur about a specific topic or keyword, and your brand is referenced in 20 of them, your brand’s share of voice would be 20%.

Share of Voice Relevance For SEO

SEO strategy is inherently competitive. Your ultimate goal is to outrank your competitors and be the most visible option to users on search engines. In this context, understanding your Share of Voice (SoV) becomes crucial. It provides an indication of how successfully your SEO efforts are faring against your competitors’. By tracking SoV, you can measure your visibility and relevance within your target market. A higher SoV often correlates with improved brand awareness and a larger market share. In terms of SEO, it is an effective way to monitor your keyword rankings compared to your competitors. Therefore, it directly affects your organic traffic, leads, conversions, and ultimately business growth.

Share of Voice Best Practices for SEO

To improve and make the most of your Share of Voice in SEO, consider the following best practices:

  • Analyse Competitor SEO: Identify your main competitors and analyse their SEO tactics. Look at the keywords they are ranking for, their website structure, content, and backlinks. Use this information to optimize your own strategy.
  • User-focused Keyword Strategy: While it’s important to target high-volume keywords, make sure they are relevant to your target audience. Focus on long-tail keywords that match your user’s intent.
  • Quality Content Creation: Consistently produce and share high-quality content tailored to user needs and expectations. This increases chances of being mentioned and shared across different channels, thereby improving your SoV.
  • Track and Monitor: Regularly assess your SoV metrics to understand how your SEO efforts are paying off. Use tools like SERanking or Ahrefs to keep tabs on your SoV changes. Adjust your strategies as needed.