Orphan Page


An “Orphan Page” refers to a webpage that is not linked to from any other part of a website’s architecture. It is essentially ‘isolated’ as it is not accessible via on-site hyperlinks, therefore, making it difficult for both users and search engine bots to discover.

Orphan Page Relevance For SEO

Orphan pages play a counterproductive role in SEO due to their withholding nature. This is because one of the significant factors search engines consider when determining the relevance and authority of a webpage is how it’s linked internally within a website. Consequently, orphan pages, being ‘isolated’ and ‘unreachable’ via internal linking, may not get indexed or ranked by search engines, thus narrowing a website’s overall visibility.

Orphan Page Best Practices for SEO

To rectify the issue of orphan pages, it is advisable to:

  1. Perform Regular Audits: Regularly conduct a site audit to detect any orphan pages. Various SEO tools such as Screaming Frog and SERanking can help.
  2. Create Helpful Internal Links: If the orphan page hosts relevant and valuable content, link it with other related pages within the website to aid navigation and distribute link equity.
  3. Delete Unnecessary Orphan Pages: If the orphan page does not provide any SEO value, consider removing it. Make sure to redirect appropriately if the page has significant backlinks or traffic.