Link Equity
Link Farm
A Link Farm is a black hat SEO strategy characterized by a website or a collection of websites developed primarily for the purpose of increasing the link popularity of another site by increasing the number of incoming links. These site(s) are created solely to host a vast number of links, not to provide valuable content. Thus, they’re not beneficial or contextual in nature but purely a form of manipulation to gain SEO advantages.
Link Farm Relevance For SEO
In the context of SEO, Link Farms were once used to influence search engine rankings. The idea was simple: the more links pointing towards your site, the higher your site would rank on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). However, with major search engines like Google improving their algorithms, Link Farms are now considered a black hat SEO technique. Using Link Farms is risky as it can lead to penalties from search engines, including possible de-indexing of your website for violating search engine guidelines.
Link Farm Best Practices for SEO
Given their negative impact on SEO, the best practice regarding Link Farms is to avoid them at all costs. Here are some tips:
- Focus on building genuine, high-quality backlinks which provide value to the users.
- Contribute to authoritative and relevant blogs and websites to earn high-quality inbound links.
- Look out for any unexpected or unnatural spikes in your website’s backlink profile that might be a sign of link farming and act accordingly.
- Regularly audit your link profile using various SEO tools to identify and nullify any potential harmful links.
Link Intersect