Headless Website


A headless website refers to a site that operates on a ‘headless’ content management system. The concept of ‘headless’ implies that the front-end (the head, which is what users interact with, i.e., the website design and interface) is decoupled and separate from the back-end (where data is stored and managed). This gives developers the liberty to create a custom and much faster front-end, without concerning themselves with the constraints of the traditional CMS structures. It communicates with the back-end (typically CMS) via API to fetch and display the content.

Headless Website Relevance For SEO

Headless websites can be highly beneficial for SEO when managed correctly. Since they provide a flexible design structure, it presents an opportunity to craft an optimal user experience, which is a significant SEO ranking factor. By separating the front-end and the back-end, it becomes easier to implement technical SEO aspects, such as quicker load times, efficient crawling by search engine bots, and mobile-first design. Another main advantage is the ability to easily update the website’s UI/UX without affecting the content of the website; this can allow consistent, high-quality content delivery which is crucial for SEO.

Headless Website Best Practices for SEO

  • Make careful considerations in the site’s architecture design. A clean, logical structure aids in easy crawling by search engines.
  • Implement structured data to help search engines better understand the site content.
  • Maintain focus on mobile-first design due to the shift of indexing priority to mobile versions from search engines.
  • Prioritize fast load times. Headless architecture can lead to faster sites, which improves user experience and helps with SEO.
  • Ensure all SEO relevant meta tags, like title, description, canonical, etc., are correctly implemented.
  • For multipage applications, ensure efficient work of server-side rendering to present fully loaded pages to the crawlers.