

Entities refer to unique, well-defined concepts or objects that search engines can understand and differentiate, such as people, places, organizations, products, etc. Entities are represented in search engine knowledge graphs and have unique identifiers.

Entities Relevance For SEO

  • Help search engines understand semantic meaning and connections between concepts to provide more relevant results.
  • Allow creation of rich snippets, knowledge panels, and other structured data in search results.
  • Aid in ranking webpages by signaling expertise around a particular entity.

Entities Best Practices for SEO

Applying entities in your SEO plan can be beneficial. For best practices, remember to:

  • Identify key entities related to your content and ensure they are mentioned appropriately.
  • Provide structured data via schema markup to define entities clearly.
  • Link out to authoritative sites referencing the same entity, when relevant.
  • Create dedicated, comprehensive pages with detailed information on important entities.
  • Ensure cohesive ties between entities mentioned across your site.