Cost Per Click (CPC)


Cost Per Click (CPC) refers to the actual price you pay for each click in your pay-per-click (PPC) marketing campaigns. It’s a bidding model used in digital advertising where advertisers pay a specified cost each time a user clicks on their ad. The goal for CPC campaigns is to lead users to the advertiser’s website or app to perform a specific action, such as completing a purchase, downloading an app, or filling out a form.

Cost Per Click (CPC) Relevance For SEO

CPC and SEO are distinct but interconnected aspects of a robust digital marketing strategy. While they function independently, they can complement each other significantly in driving site traffic and achieving marketing objectives. CPC strategy primarily revolves around paid search, and it can provide instant visibility on search engines. On the other hand, an effective SEO strategy can result in organic ranking and generate long-term results. Understanding your CPC helps you directly control ROI and efficiently manage your advertising spend by focusing investments in effective keywords or ads, which in turn can inform your SEO keyword strategy.

Cost Per Click (CPC) Best Practices for SEO

  • Using Relevant Keywords: To run successful CPC campaigns, you need to invest in keywords that are not only relevant but can also bring the desired traffic to your website. You can use SEO tools to find out the keywords that trigger clicks and leads.
  • Optimizing Ad Copy: Your ad copy plays a crucial role in the success of your CPC campaigns. A compelling ad copy, rich with your main keywords, can increase the click-through rate (CTR), decrease the CPC, and enhance the overall performance of your campaign. Use this information to craft strong meta descriptions and titles for your SEO campaigns.
  • Quality Landing Pages: If your website offers a great user experience, the chances of conversions increase significantly. Aim for high-quality, engaging, and speedy landing pages to decrease your bounce rate, thereby reducing your CPC. Great user experience will also help your SEO.
  • Navigating Google Ads Auction: Brush up on your understanding of Google Ads Auction. Your Ad Rank in the auction will decide how much you’ll have to pay for each click. An improved Quality Score and better bid amount can ensure low CPC. Understand your paid traffic campaigns results and use that information for better SEO decision making.
  • Continuous monitoring and adjustment: Lastly, always supervise your campaigns. Look for what’s working and what’s not. Pausing low-performing ads or keywords and focusing on the higher performing ones can result in valuable savings. Compare results with your SEO campaigns and always use new knowledge and insights.