Code to Text Ratio


The code to text ratio refers to the amount of visible text content compared to HTML and other code elements on a web page. It is calculated by dividing the text content by the total bytes of HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc.

Code to Text Ratio Relevance For SEO

While the code to text ratio itself is not a direct ranking factor, it can indicate issues that indirectly impact SEO. A higher ratio (25-70%) tends to provide a better user experience, with more readable and appealing content. It also leads to faster page load speeds, which is a ranking factor. Additionally, less code makes it easier for search engine crawlers to process and index pages. So optimizing this ratio, without sacrificing necessary code, can benefit SEO.

Code to Text Ratio Best Practices for SEO

  • Validate HTML Code: Fix errors and remove unnecessary tags or attributes.
  • Minify CSS/JS Code: Use tools to remove whitespace and comments to reduce file size.
  • Optimize Images: Compress and resize to smallest acceptable quality and dimensions. Not necessarily affects code to text ratio but improves website speed.
  • Eliminate Code Bloat: Avoid WYSIWYG editors that add excessive code. Hand code or use lightweight CMS.
  • Improve Content: Add informative text and media relevant to the topic to boost ratio.
  • Check Mobile Experience: Too much code can significantly slow things down on mobile.