Cached Page


A cached page is a snapshot of a webpage that is stored on a server for faster delivery to users. Search engines like Google create cached versions of webpages when they crawl the internet to be able to quickly serve pages to searchers.

Cached Page Relevance For SEO

Cached pages play an important role in SEO because they allow search engines to efficiently crawl and index webpages. When a user searches for a webpage, the search engine can instantly serve the cached version while fetching the latest version from the server. This significantly improves page loading times.

Faster page speeds are known to positively impact search rankings. Pages that load quickly tend to perform better in search results. Cached versions also ensure search engine crawlers can access pages even when servers are down or overloaded. Overall, proper caching procedures enhance the crawlability and indexability of webpages.

Cached Page Best Practices for SEO

  • Cache Static Pages: Static pages like About Us or Contact Us don’t change frequently. Caching them significantly boosts site speed without affecting accuracy.
  • Avoid Caching Dynamic Pages: Dynamic pages change often based on user input. Caching them can serve outdated information to users. Avoid caching search, shopping cart or account pages.
  • Use Caching Plugins: Plugins like WP Rocket or W3 Total Cache automatically cache appropriate pages. They save time compared to manually configuring caches.
  • Cache Database Queries: Database queries are resource intensive. Caching their outputs boosts performance. Plugins like Query Monitor can identify and cache expensive queries.
  • Set Proper Cache Times: Cache times determine how often a new snapshot is taken. Set cache expiration times based on how often page contents change. Too long times serve outdated data.
  • Check Cached Page Contents: Occasionally check cached page contents in search engine results to ensure they reflect the current version of the live page. Outdated caches negatively impact user experience.

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