Broken Link Building


Broken Link Building is an SEO strategy where marketers find links on a website that no longer work — typically because the page they linked to has moved or been deleted — and offer a replacement link that usually points back to their own content. The goal is to add value to other websites by helping them fix broken links while improving the reach and visibility of your own online content.

Broken Link Building Relevance For SEO

Broken links can harm the user experience by leading to non-existing web pages, which can potentially damage a site’s reputation and SEO ranking. Search engines like Google take into account the health and quality of a site’s link profile to determine its ranking on the search results page. By building relationships with other website owners and helping them fix their broken links, you can not only enhance their online presence but also improve the overall quality and relevancy of your website, making it rank higher in search engine results.

Broken Link Building Best Practices for SEO

  • Be Relevant: When identifying a broken link to replace, ensure that the new link offered will seamlessly fit into the existing content or add value to it. It should be relevant to both the content and the audience.
  • High-Quality Content: The content you’re pointing other websites to should be high-quality and provide value. This not only enhances the likelihood of your link being accepted but also leads to better user engagement and rankings.
  • Resource Pages: These are a great source for broken link building given their high link volume. Tools, guides, and any other valuable and linkworthy resources can be a part of resource pages.
  • Link Replacement Requests: When reaching out to site owners, be professional and helpful. Explain the error you found, its potential impact, and how your link serves as a suitable replacement.