Building Authority in the Health and Nutrition Industry

Zac Almeida
By Zac Almeida
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Building Authority Health and Nutrition Industries
Reading Time: 6 minutes

In today’s digital world, health and food businesses need to establish authoritativeness and expertise to earn trust and organic visibility. With abundant misinformation online, consumers seek advice from credible sources.

Search engines like Google also prioritize authoritative, trustworthy content in rankings, especially for medical, nutrition and other potentially dangerous topics.

So how can your business demonstrate authoritativeness and become a reliable resource? This article explores what authoritativeness entails, why it matters, how it’s evaluated, and most importantly, how to build it.

What Does Authoritativeness Mean?

Authoritativeness refers to the degree to which a website or content creator is recognized as a trustworthy and go-to source for a particular topic.

According to Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines, authoritativeness is an important part of assessing the overall trustworthiness of a webpage, especially for topics that can significantly impact a person’s health, finances, safety, or welfare (known as YMYL – “Your Money or Your Life”).

Some signs that a website or content creator may have authoritativeness on a topic include:

  • They are referenced or linked to by other high-quality and trustworthy sources covering the same topic
  • They are highly regarded by professional societies and expert organizations related to the field
  • They have been recognized through prestigious awards or recommendations from experts
  • They demonstrate extensive experience and expertise related to the topic
  • They produce content that is widely used for informational or educational purposes

Building authoritativeness takes time and effort, so newer websites or content creators are less likely to be considered authoritative sources even if they produce high-quality content. 

However, they can demonstrate initial signs of authoritativeness by referencing trustworthy sources or showing relevant credentials.

For YMYL topics especially, authoritativeness helps determine if a website or content creator can be trusted to give advice that has a low risk of harm. This is crucial for topics like medical information, financial advice, childcare recommendations, etc. where bad information could be dangerous.

So in summary, authoritativeness reflects the degree to which a website or content creator is recognized as a knowledgeable and trustworthy authority on a topic. This should be determined through external signs of reputation rather than self-proclaimed expertise.

Why Authoritativeness Matters in the Health & Food Industry

Businesses in the health and food space provide content that often falls under the YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) category. 

This includes medical information, nutritional advice, supplements, diet plans, food safety guidance, etc.

Since YMYL topics can significantly impact people’s health, safety, and welfare, they require a high degree of accuracy and expert consensus to be trustworthy. 

Providing inaccurate or potentially harmful health and food information could damage an organization’s reputation and mislead consumers.

Therefore, demonstrating authoritativeness is critical for health and food brands. It signals to both search engines and users that a company has the necessary expertise to be a reliable source on important topics like health, nutrition, and food safety.

Authoritative organizations are more likely to gain consumer trust and engagement, earn high search rankings, and meet industry standards around ethical YMYL content. 

Health and food brands that fail to showcase authoritativeness open themselves to greater risk and liability.

Authority Transparency

How is Authoritativeness Determined?

According to Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines, signs that a health or food website may have authority include:

  • Referenced or linked to by other high quality, trustworthy health and nutrition sources
  • Highly regarded by professional societies like the American Medical Association or Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Recognized through awards or recommendations from health and food experts
  • Demonstrated extensive experience and expertise in health and nutrition topics (e.g. employing registered dietitians)
  • Widely used as an informational or educational resource on health and food topics
  • Transparent about sources of information and qualifications of experts

Newer websites may demonstrate initial signs of authoritativeness by extensively referencing trustworthy medical sources or highlighting relevant credentials of their experts.

User-generated content about personal health experiences can be helpful but does not demonstrate formal authoritativeness on its own. 

Formal authoritativeness comes from oversight by experts on the topic.

How is Authority Different from Trust?

Trust is based on factors like accuracy, honesty, and reliability of information. Authority is tied more to recognized expertise and external verification of expertise.

A website can seem authoritative at first glance but still lack trustworthiness. 

For example, a health website may employ people with advanced medical degrees. 

However, the content itself could make unproven claims about miracle cures or contain biased information promoting certain products. This would be authoritative but untrustworthy.

Likewise, user-generated content may seem very honest and genuine but lack authoritativeness because the content creators have no verified credentials or formal training. Their advice could unintentionally misguide people.

Gauging both authority and trust is crucial for evaluating health and food pages. Authority demonstrates expertise while trust shows the information is accurate and responsible.

How to Build and Demonstrate Authority in the Health & Food Industry

Building authoritativeness in the health and food industry takes time. But you can proactively demonstrate expertise by:

  • Producing informative, evidence-based content
  • Showcasing staff credentials and qualifications
  • Participating in industry forums and discussions
  • Collaborating with respected organizations
  • Creating accurate tools and resources

Follow these best practices to become a reliable resource that search engines and users trust for important health and nutrition advice.

Produce informative and evidence-based content

Health and food businesses should ensure their content accurately represents scientific consensus and is supported by credible research. 

Hire medical doctors, nutritionists, food scientists or other certified experts to produce or thoroughly fact-check articles and product claims. 

Link to reputable studies supporting any health, nutrition or food safety assertions. 

Update outdated information and be transparent by citing your sources.

Stay updated on the latest research and developments

Follow health and medical journals, government agencies, nonprofits, and influencers in your field to be aware of new scientific discoveries, regulation changes, ingredient safety alerts, etc. 

Proactively evolve your products and advice to align with the latest evidence-based best practices. 

Demonstrate you are up-to-date by referencing recent research in your articles and social media.

Showcase relevant degrees, certifications, and credentials

Prominently display qualifications of your in-house experts, whether medical certifications, nutrition credentials, food safety training, etc. 

Introduce your resident nutritionists, product researchers, quality assurance specialists, etc. by name and qualifications. 

Quote your certified experts commenting on their areas of expertise in blog posts, videos and other content.

Be transparent about the sources of your information

Cite or link to all health and science sources used to produce content. 

List any financial interests or sponsorships from brands or industry groups involved in funding research or content production. 

Disclose if certain statements reflect emerging science that is still under study. 

Such transparency allows customers to further verify information and assess potential biases.

Participate in online forums and discussions

Have qualified staff engage in industry forums and scientific discussions online to demonstrate expertise. 

They can highlight research your business has contributed to or clarify standards and best practices when misinformation appears. 

Such participation builds recognition of your workplace as an authority within the health and food community.

Respond to feedback, comments, and queries

Actively invite, collect and respond to user feedback and discussions about your products and content. 

Have certified staff address questions related to medical claims, nutrition advice or food quality concerns. 

Provide evidence and references to support your responses. 

Unresolved critical feedback and discussions may undermine your reputation for authoritativeness.

Collaborate with other experts and reputable organizations

Pursue research partnerships, sponsorships, certifications, endorsements or other collaborations with respected health and food agencies, nonprofits, universities, peer businesses, influencers, etc. 

Make such relationships and endorsements visible through your website, product packaging, content, etc. 

Collaboration indicates your practices align with broader industry standards.

Develop link-worthy tools or resources

Create accurate, functional health assessment quizzes, BMI/calorie calculators, illustrated healthy cooking tutorials, ingredient dictionaries, drug interaction checkers, etc. 

If widely used and linked to, these demonstrate your business as a go-to authority and resource for health and food topics. 

Maintain high-quality functionality and medical accuracy as users rely on these tools.

How Long Does It Take to Build Authoritativeness in the Health & Food Industry?

There is no set time frame for establishing authoritativeness in the health and food space, as it depends on consistently meeting high standards over an extended period. 

However, most experts agree it takes 1-3 years of dedicated effort for a health or food business to be recognized as an authoritative resource.

In the first year, a company can demonstrate initial trustworthiness by employing credentialed experts, referencing high-quality sources, participating in industry organizations, and monitoring feedback. 

But full authoritativeness takes longer to develop.

For newer businesses, authoritativeness may take closer to 3 years to achieve. 

Factors like employing recognized experts, contributing original research, collaborating with respected organizations, and maintaining high-quality content and tools over an extended timeframe contribute to perception as an authority.

While authoritativeness does require this persistent effort over years, the long-term rewards are substantial. 

As an authoritative resource, health and food businesses gain loyal users who trust them for important medical, nutritional, and food safety information and advice.


Gaining authoritativeness takes time, but is enormously beneficial for health and nutrition companies. 

By consistently demonstrating expertise, transparency, scientific consensus, and care for user well-being, your business can become a go-to resource for your industry. 

Make authoritativeness a priority, and you will be rewarded with greater consumer trust, engagement, and loyalty over the long term.

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